Our History
A look back on our amazing journey and memorable moments from small beginnings till to today.
We appreciate all our clients, community, partners, friends and family who have supported us through the years.
Lucy at one of her first jobs.
The Beginnings, 2002
Lucy painting her first practice in 2002.
Putting on the finishing touches.
Grace & Vision Optometrist’s first shop front at Runcorn.
Grace & Vision finally opened!
One of our first staff, Tanya, hard at work.
Underwood Practice, 2005
As the business grew, we needed a larger practice! Moving to a new location at Underwood starts.
Newly finished Underwood practice ready for business.
Lucy and Jasmine at the Underwood store.
Lucy exhausted after a week of studying, designing the new practice (our current location!), and dealing with a 2 year old.
Back To Runcorn, 2011
Remodelling this residential home into the practice we all know and love.
Can you spot the 2 year old?
Friends and family all putting their hands together to help out.
Remodelling the optometrist consultation room. Can you recognise the room?
Moving Day, 2011
Moving day from Underwood to the new (current!) Runcorn location.
Lucy’s dad doing some heavy lifting.
Jasmine unpacking into Grace & Vision Optometry’s forever home.
Lucy hand picking stock at the store.
Team dinner to farewell Jasmine who was part of the G&V family for many years.
Stephanie hand-picking frames to top up our display stock.
The staff peeping in our first professional photoshoot for the launch of our website.
Don’t Lucy and Tina make great models??
Official Launch of our website.
All dressed up at our Christmas dinner to celebrate another great year.
Our extended Grace & Vision family enjoying a BBQ together.
Celebrating Tina’s Birthday!
Werk Perks – Maui Jim Training on the Brisbane River.
Christmas goodies!
Sharing a lovely Christmas dinner together.
Farewell to Kat as she embarks on her journey as a fully fledged optometrist 2020.
Tina's Wedding, 2021
Photo booth shenanigans at Tina’s wedding.
G&V staff action shots! Everyone working hard.
Our current team at our annual Christmas party!
Dessert break after a long Saturday shift.
You may have noticed an extra (XXXS) staff member hanging around Steph in the office recently.
Team photo – Surviving the COVID pandemic.